

So... here we go. As I start to write the first entry of what I humbly hope becomes the most interesting blog of all time, I inadvertently drift halfway through this sentence and wonder why this blog has just been born. Partly because I've always loved losing myself in writing, partly because of the movie Julie and Julia, partly because of the people who've said I should share my anecdotes and greatly because of my (not so) secret obsession with expressing my (usually uncalled for) opinions. If nothing else, this project could work as a self analysis of just how out of touch I might be with reality and who (if anybody's) coming along for the ride.

I can't say my life has been tragic, although my inner drama queen would say otherwise, but it has been filled with very particular happenings and for lack of a better word, adventures. And while I've had insane luck in some aspects of my life (cue the wonderful hubby & amazing friends), I quite frequently face challenges aimed at discouraging what little pep may be left in me, yet there is an incredibly persistent (and often times annoying) optimist that thrives on these situations. Don't get me wrong, I am by no means a motivational speaker. I often incur in delightfully foul language and random bitch attacks™, but I figure if even I can look past life's crappy curve balls, then there's still hope for the common man.

Being a devoted follower of the KISS principle (if you don't know what it means, please Google it and relate to the principle's last word), I'm wrapping it up for now. 

Closing thoughts: This experimental blog might not be educational and it probably won't contribute much to humanity, but it will be entertaining. At least for the author and frankly, that's good enough for me.



  1. Nice blog title ^_^

    Welcome aboard!

  2. found you via Pia's blog - welcome to blogging!

    It can be frustrating, and wonderful and the best part is connecting with interesting people...

  3. Thank u all for initiating me in the blog world! ;)

  4. I love your writing style, I genuinely look forward to reading more of your ramblings in the future =]

    And your layout btw is just great =D

    +followed. <3
